Dumeir الضمير (Roman temple)

This remarkably intact Roman religious shrine of unusual design was dedicated to Zeus Hypsistos in AD 245.

يعتبر من أكمل معابد العصر الروماني، ويتميز بمخططه الغريب، وقد اكتمل بناؤه عام 245 وخصص للإله زيوس هيبيستوس (العالي).

The Roman Temple at Dumeir
The Roman Temple to Zeus Hypsistos at Dumeir
The Roman Temple at Dumeir
The Roman Temple to Zeus Hypsistos at Dumeir
The Roman Temple at Dumeir
The Roman Temple to Zeus Hypsistos at Dumeir
The Roman Temple at Dumeir
The Roman Temple to Zeus Hypsistos at Dumeir
The Roman Temple at Dumeir
The Roman Temple to Zeus Hypsistos at Dumeir
The Roman Temple to Zeus Hypsistos at Dumeir
The Roman Temple to Zeus Hypsistos at Dumeir