Aleppo حلب — itinerary 06, south of the Citadel

The zone south of the main entrance to the Aleppo Citadel was developed as a ceremonial area aligned with the great gateway ascending to the fortifications. Here was buried the great leader of Aleppo’s resistance to the Crusades, al-Zaher Ghazi (ruled Aleppo and a wide stretch of territory east into Mesopotamia from 1186-1216. The Ottomans […]

Arwad Island ارواد

This small island lies just off the Syrian coast at Tartus. It houses two intact castles of the Crusader and Ayyubid period along with remains of the island’s Phoenician sea walls. تقع هذه الجزيرة الصغيرة على مقربة من الساحل السوري مقابل طرطوس. تضم قلعتين من العصرين الأيوبي والصليبي ما تزالان بحالة جيدة، إضافة للأسوار المجاورة […]

Maarat al-Numan معرة النعمان

Maarat al-Numan, 73 kms south of Aleppo on the highway to Hama and Damascus, is a town of classical origins (Megara) which came to greater prominence as one of the important points fortified by the Muslim forces against the Crusaders. Its small fortress became one of the strongpoints on the Muslim side of the line […]