Bara (al-Bara) البارة

The ruins of the Byzantine town of Bara are some of the most extensive in the Limestone Massif west of Aleppo in northern Syria. Over five churches, tombs with striking pyramid-shaped roofs, at least one monastery and a donjon originating from the Crusader period dot the landscape. تعتبر بقايا البلدة البيزنطية في البارة واحدة من […]

Deir al-Salib دير الصليب

There are two sets of church remains in the vicinity of Deir al-Salib (‘Monastery of the Cross’). Just at the entrance to the village (north side) lies the church dubbed by Butler ‘West church’. Much of the structure including the semi-domed apse and the side walls survive along with a mausoleum structure on the northwest […]

Mushabbak المشبك

A small wayside church, five kilometres to the west of the Monastery of St Simeon. This is one of the most perfectly preserved Byzantine churches in Syria. It lacks only a roof and internal fittings to be complete. It was not located in an inhabited area and probably served as a chapel for pilgrims on […]

Burqush برقش

This complex — a Roman temple and remains of a large Byzantine basilica — lies west of Damascus in the eastern folds of the Anti-Lebanon Range. يضم هذا المجمع المعماري معبداً من العصر الروماني وبقايا كاتدرائية ضخمة من العصر البيزنطي، يقع غرب دمشق على السفوح الشرقية لجبل حرمون.  

Serjilla سيرجيلا‎

One of the most frequently visited sites in the Limestone Massif of Northern Syria, Serjilla contains an exceptional range of well-preserved buildings clustered around a baths/inn complex. من أكثر مواقع الكتلة الشمالية في سورية شهرة وزيارة، يضم مجموعة كبيرة وهامة من المنشآت المحفوظة جيداً تتجمع حول المبنى المركزي المؤلف من مجمع يضم خاناً وحمامات. Flickr […]

Barad براد

Until recently difficult to reach by vehicle, this interesting and extensive site on the northern reaches of the Mountain of Simeon (Jebel Semaan) is now accessible by sealed road. Barad includes a remarkable series of churches, monastic complexes and house remains as well as a a monumental tomb, probably of the second or third century […]