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Circesium (Buseira البصيرة)

The few surviving remains of Circesium largely lie under the modern village of Buseira at the confluence of the Euphrates and Khabour Rivers.  .معظم الأجزاء القليلة الباقية من موقع سيريسيوم القديم تقع تحت قرية البصيرة المبنية حديثاً عند ملتقى نهري الفرات والخابور For further coverage — http://www.flickr.com/photos/monsyr/sets/72157627212035966/.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/monsyr/sets/72157627212035966/: لمزيد من المعلومات يمكن العودة إلى الرابط التالي

Cyrrhus (al-Nabi Huri النبي هوري )

Cyrrhus lies 76 kms north of Aleppo, almost on the Turkish frontier and is set amid recently developed olive-growing country. Originally a Hellenistic settlement protecting the important access route between Antioch and Edessa (modern Sanliurfa in southeastern Turkey), Cyrrhus remained an important point defending the Roman military route to the crossing of the Euphrates at […]