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Baghuz (al-Baghuz الباغوز ) (Abu Kemal)

Map giving the location of the tower tombs at Baghuz near Abu Kemal on the Euphrates near the Syria-Iraq border. تقع المدافن البرجية في الباغوز قرب أبو كمال على الحدود السورية العراقية على نهر الفرات كما هو واضح في الخريطة.

Bakas Shugur قلعة الشغور و البكاس

Remains of the twin Crusader castles at Bakas Shugur lie in the northern reaches of the Syrian coastal mountains, the Jebel Ansariye. قلعتان متشابهتان من مرحلة الحروب الصليبية تقعان على السفوح الشمالية لسلسلة الجبال الساحلية السورية.  

Bamuqqa باموقا

A small village looking north across the pass leading west to the Plain of Amuq and on to Antioch. House remains possibly date to the first century AD but the church was not constructed until the late sixth or early seventh century. قرية صغيرة تطل على الشمال وتقطع الطريق المؤدية غرباً إلى سهل العمق وصولاً […]

Baqirha بقيرحا

This superbly situated site looks down over the route joining Aleppo to Antioch via the Bab al-Hawa crossing. In the distance lie several sites of equal interest. Most notable of the remains is the Temple dedicated to Zeus Bomos, ‘Zeus of the Altar’, but down the slopes to the northeast lie remains of an extensive […]

Bara (al-Bara) البارة

The ruins of the Byzantine town of Bara are some of the most extensive in the Limestone Massif west of Aleppo in northern Syria. Over five churches, tombs with striking pyramid-shaped roofs, at least one monastery and a donjon originating from the Crusader period dot the landscape. تعتبر بقايا البلدة البيزنطية في البارة واحدة من […]

Barad براد

Until recently difficult to reach by vehicle, this interesting and extensive site on the northern reaches of the Mountain of Simeon (Jebel Semaan) is now accessible by sealed road. Barad includes a remarkable series of churches, monastic complexes and house remains as well as a a monumental tomb, probably of the second or third century […]

Basofan باصوفان

This small site east of the great Church of St Simeon includes the considerably ruined Church of St Phocas (491–492), once one of the largest in the Jebel Semaan area of the northern Limestone Massif. The church. probably constructed not long after St Simeon’s Church as it imitates some aspects of its style, was turned […]

Behyo بحيو

The deserted Byzantine site of Behyo in the Jebel al-`Ala includes two late churches on the western edge of the village. The smaller example (the ‘East Church’) uses transverse sweeping arches in the style of Qalb Lhozeh. The ‘West Church’, seen here in de Vogue’s reconstructions, is more conventionally divided by two rows of five […]

Beshindlaya بشندلايا

This isolated and sparsely inhabited village in the remote reaches of the Jebel al-Ala region of the Limestone Massif of northern Syria contains the remarkable underground tomb of Tiberius Claudius Sosander, built in his honour by his father in AD 134. It also includes remains of a monastic complex, located on what may once have […]

Bosra بصرى (ancient Bostra)

Bosra, Roman-era city in the Hauran with a virtually intact example of a Roman theatre. After Bostra became the capital of the new Roman province of Arabia in AD 106, the Nabataean town  rapidly acquired most of the attributes of a Roman city with a long colonnaded axis and major facilities for the Roman legion […]

Braij بريج , Monastery of St Daniel

These monastic remains lie to the west of the Plain west of Sermada on the edge of the Jebel Barisha. .تقع بقايا هذا الدير إلى الغرب من السهول الممتدة غرب سرمدا على طرف جبل باريشا    

Burj Haidar برج حيدر (Jebel Semaan)

This small village of the north Syrian Limestone Massif, lying on the northern road from St Simeon to Aleppo via the Jebel Semaan, contains several churches of exceptional interest. هذه القرية الصغيرة في الكتلة الكلسية الشمالية في سورية، تقع على الطريق الشمالي بين القديس سمعان وحلب عبر جبل سمعان، وتضم عدة كنائس ذات أهمية خاصة.

Burqush برقش

This complex — a Roman temple and remains of a large Byzantine basilica — lies west of Damascus in the eastern folds of the Anti-Lebanon Range. يضم هذا المجمع المعماري معبداً من العصر الروماني وبقايا كاتدرائية ضخمة من العصر البيزنطي، يقع غرب دمشق على السفوح الشرقية لجبل حرمون.